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Identification Tool

Cluster: Personal Skills

Complete the self-assessment questionnaire to validate your soft skills on the Personal Skills cluster!

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I practice introspection and reflection frequently. (1/127)

I am capable of evaluating myself and my performance in a realistic way. (2/127)

I usually am aware of how others see me. (3/127)

For me, it's quite difficult to evaluate different situations and know what others expect from me and how to behave. (4/127)

I consider myself to be optimistic. (5/127)

I can deal with unpleasant situations positively. (6/127)

When facing difficulties, I tend to speak to myself in a positive and motivating way. (7/127)

I don't want to restrain my desires, I prefer having what I want immediately. (8/127)

I often base my choices on impulse. (9/127)

When I have to follow a plan, I can control my behaviour to go through it successfully. (10/127)

I can regulate my actions, thoughts, and feelings to get my goals. (11/127)

When I have to make a quick decision, I don't weigh the benefits and costs of my choices or try to predict the consequences. (12/127)

When I have to make a decision, I bear in mind the information I need, the potential risks, and my own biases. (13/127)

I am able to name what emotion I am feeling at a given moment. (14/127)

I usually understand why I am feeling a specific emotion. (15/127)

I normally avoid listening to my emotions. (16/127)

I feel comfortable talking about emotions and expressing my feelings. (17/127)

I can manage my emotions and regulate them. (18/127)

I usually get carried away or overwhelmed by my emotions. (19/127)

I am able to manage both "positive" and "negative" emotions. (20/127)

In general, I listen to other people when they talk about their feelings. (21/127)

I am able to relate to the emotions of other people. (22/127)

I find it difficult to regulate my emotions during a conflict. (23/127)

I am able to care for and respect others' feelings. (24/127)

I can understand others' feelings and situations in order to try to help them. (25/127)

I tend to know which others' needs are and I can respond to them. (26/127)

In the challenging situation, I tell myself that this is just a minor setback and things will turn out well in the end. (27/127)

I am good at evaluating the situation quickly and focusing on the result I want to achieve. (28/127)

I am not sidetracked with looking good in someone's eyes, while I am resolving a difficult situation. (29/127)

I tell myself that a bad day is OK and the next day things will work out. (30/127)

I decide to end the conversation that evokes negative emotions in me, to process them. (31/127)

I usually question myself on how good or bad did I handle a stressful situation at work. (32/127)

When it is appropriate, I try to use my sense of humour in a difficult situation. (33/127)

When a colleague looks desperate, I am the one who asks him/her if he/she needs help with something. (34/127)

I prefer to join my colleagues and ask for their opinion when I am dealing with difficulties. (35/127)

I am trying to come with solution in a challenging situation and take action to resolve it. (36/127)

I have a detached feeling about the activities I participate in during my volunteering. (37/127)

I do recover quickly from setbacks and disappointments. (38/127)

I feel that the things I do in my life are worthwhile. (39/127)

I keep track of what my accomplishments within my voluntary work are. (40/127)

I am able to calm my mind under the pressure. (41/127)

I am clear about my personal values. (42/127)

I can adjust to match the situation. (43/127)

I am able to focus under pressure. (44/127)

I regularly take time for personal renewal. (45/127)

I trust myself. (46/127)

In difficult situations, I am rather confused. (47/127)

Retreat helps me to renew myself. (48/127)

I communicate with people important to me about the expectations we have for each other. (49/127)

I make sure my expectations for others are clear. (50/127)

I do not react negatively to difficult situations. (51/127)

I often contemplate the complexity of life. (52/127)

I feel that the world is founded on compassion. (53/127)

I am willing to question my old habits. (54/127)

My values are important ingredients of my personality. (55/127)

I accept myself. (56/127)

I am willing to practice new skills. (57/127)

I enjoy and handle my daily responsibilities. (58/127)

I get strength from my beliefs. (59/127)

I can identify the nature of change. (60/127)

I hold myself accountable for doing what is most important to me in my life. (61/127)

I usually have confidence in my judgment. (62/127)

I am always looking for opportunities. (63/127)

I rarely deviate from my habits. (64/127)

I spend much time developing skills, strengthening values. (65/127)

I am able to delineate and maintain boundaries between the different parts of my life. (66/127)

I can identify my personality strengths and weaknesses. (67/127)

I am able to set healthy boundaries. (68/127)

I am able to speak openly about my feelings. (69/127)

I can find humour in my life. (70/127)

I feel both valued and appreciated each day. (71/127)

My actions are frequently influenced by my emotions. (72/127)

After prolonged socializing, I need to be alone. (73/127)

It is easier for me to gain knowledge through hands-on experience than from books or manuals. (74/127)

When solving a problem I would rather follow a familiar approach than seek a new one. (75/127)

I willingly involve myself in matters which engage my sympathies. (76/127)

I regularly experience personal change and growth. (77/127)

I set goals, indicators, and objectives in everyday life. (78/127)

I compare my acchievements with others. (79/127)

I can find strategies and practices to support myself. (80/127)

I am able to take action without procrastination. (81/127)

I am able to organize my time effectively. (82/127)

I have a sense of accomplishment in meeting my responsibilities. (83/127)

I look for opportunities to learn new ways of doing things. (84/127)

I have a vision for where I am headed. (85/127)

I find it difficult to make decisions. (86/127)

I usually plan my actions in advance. (87/127)

I frequently affirm my priorities so that less important things don’t drive out more important things. (88/127)

I maintain balance in my life by pursuing a variety of interests outside of work/service. (89/127)

When things go outside of my control I become frustrated. (90/127)

I am not able to listen to others when I am preoccupied with my thoughts. (91/127)

I often experience mood swings and difficulties to make decisions. (92/127)

I know and practice several relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing and muscle relaxation. (93/127)

There are too many deadlines in my life that are difficult to meet. (94/127)

I maintain a programme of regular physical activity. (95/127)

I am confident in my ability to achieve the goals I set for myself. (96/127)

Before I set a new substantial goal, I clearly understand what is involved in the process. (97/127)

I can set the tasks, time frames, and resources required to achieve my goals. (98/127)

I have a clear vision for where I am headed. (99/127)

I set goals with success criteria for my personal development and work. (100/127)

I can indicate my lifetime and one to three years goals. (101/127)

I am able to focus on the results of my efforts to accomplish goals and evaluate different means for achieving them. (102/127)

I set my tasks' priorities according to their importance and not for their urgency. (103/127)

I keep and update my TO-DO list every week. (104/127)

I know what habits keep me away from using my time effectively. (105/127)

I am conscious that time is my most crucial resource. (106/127)

I am able to complete planned daily tasks. (107/127)

I use an effective technique to say “No” to excessive requests of my time. (108/127)

I don't procrastinate. (109/127)

I perodically use a time log. (110/127)

I use an organised weekly time plan. (111/127)

I do the most important tasks at my best time during the day. (112/127)

I can adjust my organizational style to match the situation. (113/127)

I avoid meetings that are time wasters. (114/127)

I will try to see things from the other persons' viewpoint and be considerate about their needs. (115/127)

I evaluate the task and conclude the best way to approach it. (116/127)

I seek advice, information, and support when I need it. (117/127)

I delegate challenging tasks whenever possible. (118/127)

I keep everything in its proper place. (119/127)

I can identify my strengths and development needs. (120/127)

I think positively about my life. (121/127)

I reward myself when accomplishing a significant goal. (122/127)

When doing a job, I need feedback. (123/127)

I work best if there is some challenge involved. (124/127)

I think about my feelings and the feelings of others. (125/127)

I believe I have the abilities and talents to be successful at my work/services. (126/127)

When an unexpected event threatens my goal, I tend to set a different goal and move in a new direction. (127/127)

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