Media Library

1. Collaboration Skills


1.1. Communication

1.2. Time management

1.3. Problem solving

1.4. Critical thinking

1.5. Collaboration

1.6. Leadership


2.1. Adjusting to changes

2.2. Adaptability skills

2.3. Types of Flexibility Skills


3.1. Managing Emotions

3.2. Listening

3.3. Exploring

3.4. Framing

3.5. Confronting


4.1. Mutual learning

4.2. Creating trusting relationships

4.3. Norm of reciprocity

4.4. Ability to manage uncertainty

4.5. Cooperation and problem solving

4.6. Transparency and reliability Authenticity factor

2. Organizational Skills


1.1. Ability to motivate team members

1.2. Active listening

1.3. Ability to transform vision in action plans

1.4. Ability to clearly identify the team goals

1.5. Negotiation skills

1.6. Ability to create a positive enviroment


2.1. Lateral thinking and creative thinking strategies

2.2. Creative problem solving

2.3. Design thinking

2.4. Capacity to understand the change and know how to adapt to it

2.5. Capacity to use technology and create communities


3.1. Long term thinking

3.2. Strategic thinking

3.3. Creating vision

3.4. Analysing context

3.5. Strategic directions

3.6. Focused implementation

3.7. Review and evaluation

3.8. Change management


4.1. Research and check of accuracy

4.2. Analytical reasoning

4.3. Decision making on multiple factors

3. Personal Skills


1.1. Positive thinking

1.2. Self control

1.3. Decision making


2.1. Mental health

2.2. Social intelligence

2.3. Empathy


3.10. Accomplishment

3.1. Optimism

3.2. Mental agility

3.3. Strengths of character

3.4. Self regulation

3.5. Connection

3.6. Self awareness

3.7. Agency and Self efficacy

3.8. Sense of humour

3.9. Faith spirituality sense of meaning


4.1. Healthy Mindset

4.2. Personal Ethics

4.3. Personality Type

4.4. Personal development Plan


5.1. Stress Management

5.2. Goals Setting

5.3. Time Management

5.4. Organization

5.5. Self motivation


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